GINA NOMACHI | Melbourne
Base Makeup for Herald reporter bill board advertisement. Basic everyday makeup, script by Wendy Fantasia.
Underwater Shoot with Belinda Stroder. Lace design makeup.
James Braund image of 3 models for the Bohemian Exhibition held at the State Library Victoria. Middle model is mine.
Spring Carnival Racing body painting for the Cox Plate private Luncheon. Second from left is my model.
Pop art body painting for members party at the National Gallery of Victoria Melbourne, Australia. Makeup and concept by me with fellow team body painter Juliet and Janie. For Wil Sabin Entertainment.
Pop art body painting members Party at the NGV, Melbourne.
Body painting, Melbourne, Australia, at the Docklands for Australia Day Celebrations. Bush babies concept created by me for Wacky Creative Entertainment
Body painting for Australia Day, hand painted, airbrushed and costume fabricated by me for Wacky Creative Entertainment.
Airbrush and hand painted face makeup for Werther Opera. Client Opera Australia.